In compliance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11th July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the following information identifies LENTICULAR PARTNER:
Name: Jorge Talavera Sánchez
ID Number: 74673566H
Address: Pedro Antonio de Alarcón 33 – Granada – España
Email: info (at)
Purpose of the website
LENTICULAR PARTNER, through its website, offers free advice for lenticular projects.
This legal notice regulates the use of the website
In general, relations between LENTICULAR PARTNER and the users of its telematic services on the website are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.
Use and user access
The user is informed and accepts that access to this website does not, in any way, represent the start of a commercial relationship with LENTICULAR PARTNER.
Intelectual e industrial property
The intellectual property rights of the website content, its graphic design and codes are the property of LENTICULAR PARTNER and, therefore, any reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other activity that can be done with its website content is prohibited, even if the sources are cited, except with the written consent of LENTICULAR PARTNER.
Website content and links
LENTICULAR PARTNER does not assume any responsibility for the information contained on third party websites that can be accessed via links from its web page. The links featured on the LENTICULAR PARTNER website are for information purposes only and under no circumstances imply a suggestion, invitation or recommendation of them.
Conselhos gratuitos para o seu projeto de impressão lenticular. Resolva as suas dúvidas com informação de qualidade, personalizada e gratuita.
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